Conversation With A Video Painting
Platforms Project Net 2020, Five Years & Darling Pearls & Co • 3 19:00, Five Years & Darling Pearls & Co, “Conversation with a video painting”, Lee Wells, (συζήτηση -περφόρμανς| performance)
Art & Artificial Intelligence at the National Arts Club
At the @natnlartsclub with Lee Wells talking about AI & art in June 2019
Verbatim History of HD Video
A Interview With Lee Wells from New York, Part of the Verbatim History of HD Video with Terry Flaxton, in 2010
In Transitions Russia 2008 @ Ural State University From the conference: In Transition: Cultural Identities in the Age of Transcultural Flux held at the Ural State University and organised by NeMe, USU and NCCA.
For more information go to
ps. I was a little nervous
Supermodern - Nothing Is What It Seems
Lee Wells presents his thoughts on the 21st Century at Creative Time's Democracy For America at the Park Avenue Armory in New York. 2008
ABMB Art|Salon with Michael Rush
John Hanhardt, Michael Rush, Lee Wells and Arron Miller discuss the legacy of Nam June Paik in relation to video art and Perpetual Art Machine, Art Basel Miami Beach, 2006
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text
Vernissage tv Interview - Scope Art Fait, New York 2006 Perpetual Art Machine is born.